Monday 12 March 2007

My Relation with New Comunication Technologies

Communication technologies such as the Internet have become an everyday part of life as a uni student. The internet has helped me enrol in university from Sydney simply by clicking a few buttons on a key board so technically I have used the internet to communicate with people I have never met.

Being from Sydney and moving to the Gold Coast to study at Griffith, I left all of my family and friends behind to start a new life here with my girlfriend. With my whole network of friends’ hours away, I was forces to utilise communication technologies in order to keep in contact with them.

Apart from the obvious telephone, I found chat rooms such as MSN Messenger and online poker rooms are a great way to maintain connections. Being able to chat directly to someone without paying for a phone call is a great relief for the typical uni student budget. Technologies such as these make maintaining friendships a lot easier and cheaper.

A few of my friends have recently returned from a 12 month stint overseas. E-mails made constant communication and updates quick and easy.

The biggest influence to use such technologies was distance between the people I was speaking to. I think using these technologies to interact with people you have never met is different to meeting people in person. Without face to face interaction, a personal connection is missed and a face cannot be put to a name. I have been using the technologies for many years and will keep on using them as long as they are available.

Still not sure what this thing is?

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