Monday 19 March 2007

scavenger Hunt

First ill give thhe answers to the worlds oldest riddles:

1. The largest pumpkin is 990 pounds.

2. The quickest way toi contact Grant Hackett is by e-mail.

3. A giraffes tongue is between 18 - 20 inches.

4. Ontology is a theory relating to the natuure of all living beings.

5. David Cronenberg's first feature film was a short film entitled Transfer in 1966

6. The Hacker Manifesto was written January 8th 1986.

7. Only 555-0100 through 555-0199 are now specifically reserved for fictional use, with the other numbers having been released for actual assignment.

8. On a ferry.

9. Watch gonna do about it by Rev Black and the Rockin Vicars.

10. The Black Assassins

A search engine is like a directory that finds web pages with a common word typed in by the user. Once the word is typed in, the search engine looks over every single web page for that common word. The sites that are ranked according to how much is payed by the producer of the page. Who ever can afford the most gets a higher ranking. The amount off times that keyword is used displays the results differently. Google is the biggest search engine and has just bought YouTube for $2 billion and is now being sued by Viacom for supposedly breaching copyright laws.

I am planning to do my essay relating to the Internet and how it has effected the schooling and education industry. I have found, through the library database, a few books that will give me grounds for comparison over a gap of a few years and a general overview of what is available to students and teachers.

In regards to the mailing lists, I have found that the best mailing liosts are those that are run through the big and well known companies such as television stations and large media outlets. large companies such as Yahoo7 have many different groups that can be accessed through simple navigation by clicking on the topic area that usits the user.

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