Monday 5 March 2007


Welcome all, to the first and definitely not last post of my small part of cyber space. For the next few months, I will be posting the very best parts of the lectures for New Communication Technologies. Along the way I will post pictures or videos of random crap that I find on the internet that amused me.

First off let me start by saying why I am doing this course. The reason I am here is because I am currently undertaking a bachelor of Communication with a major in digital video. Therefore taking a course called new communication technologies seemed a no brainer. Apart from that I took a class called communication practice last semester which proved useful in gaining new communication skills. The hall that the lecture was hosted in brought back memories of the first university grade exam I ever took. I passed the exam so hopefully that will be a good omen. The first lecture was pretty basic. We mainly got told what we will be doing in the course and then ran through a basic definition of what exactly technology is and what constitutes ‘new’ and ‘old’. My general belief is that ‘old’ technology is that which has a newer version and ‘new’ technology is that which is the new or latest version.

The other surprise I got from the lecture was that we will be using Photoshop within the course. I was pleased to hear this because I have had some experience with using Photoshop before

This photo just made me wonder where he ended up.

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