Monday 30 April 2007

Internet Art

This lecture was based around art on the Internet and what can be created. The lecture was taken by Jason Nelson. He was crazy. Really good talker and obviously passionate about what he does. His lecture style was …………unique but very good. While art is not my favourite subject, it was interesting to see what people will actually look at and comment on.

Good news on the essay front, I think I have finished. I have fulfilled the word quota, i have referenced 5 books and 5 web resources and am pretty happy with the argument i have put forward. I ended up with the topic of distance education throught the Internet.

This is a tracing of me and my friend Dean from my 21st that I did in Flash a couple of years ago. The theme was fancy dress, he is Peter Pan and I am a viking.

Andthis is a spider monkey with a tiger head. A bit rough but....

Monday 23 April 2007

Essay preparation.

OK OK so I have been extremely slack with getting into my essay so this week has been specially set aside to get it done. I have been through a few different topics such as blackberry, wireless and blogging. It was not until I looked at distance education through the internet that I came across the topic of choice. I have decided to do my essay on the internet as a form of information for different social and economic groups. There is plenty of info out there so finding it won’t be too difficult.

This is another attempt at the tutorial task from last week.

I think one of the most interesting and humerous websites on the Net would have to be it is awebsite dedicated to using Photoshop. It has competitions and tutorials in it. a good way to view the power of Photoshop.

Monday 16 April 2007


Coming back from holidays is always a bummer, especially when the holidays were so good. The Thursday before the holidays was my birthday so getting gifts before the holidays gad even started was good. Thursday night was long as me and my girlfriend flew to Sydney to see all my family and most of our school friends. Friday morning, Good Friday, my two brothers and their partners and my sister with her husband and my 4 year old nephew went to Lithgow, about three hours north of Sydney. Right in the middle of the Blue Mountains. We go there all the time to ride dirt bikes because there are some really good tracks and no one else around. The Saturday night was spent catching up with old friends and Sunday was the return trip back to the Gold Coast. The next day me and my girlfriend went to Tangalooma for three days which was awesome. Unfortunately then the holidays were over as I had to go back to work.

God I wish the holidays were longer.

This is the excercise Adam left for us to try out. Trying to blend animals. In this case a pig with a tiger.

And again with a zebra and a ferret

Monday 2 April 2007

Virtual reality and the Internet

This week’s lecture was based around the realm of virtual reality and the Internet. In particular what the difference between the internet and cyberspace is. We also watched a video on how internet pages are spread around and how they get from cyberspace to the personal computer requesting them. The video was an interesting explanation of how the World Wide Web works. Half of the class was spent watching Alphaville which, in my opinion, is one of the worst movies I have witnessed. The tutes were interesting as their was no work set out to be done so I got acquainted with a program called Director that I used at TAFE a couple of years ago. It took a while but eventually I remembered how to write the simplest of scripts. Starting to look hard at the essay. Trying to think of a topic that everyone can relate to such as mobile phone usage or internet tendencies. Really have to start writing something soon.