Monday 30 April 2007

Internet Art

This lecture was based around art on the Internet and what can be created. The lecture was taken by Jason Nelson. He was crazy. Really good talker and obviously passionate about what he does. His lecture style was …………unique but very good. While art is not my favourite subject, it was interesting to see what people will actually look at and comment on.

Good news on the essay front, I think I have finished. I have fulfilled the word quota, i have referenced 5 books and 5 web resources and am pretty happy with the argument i have put forward. I ended up with the topic of distance education throught the Internet.

This is a tracing of me and my friend Dean from my 21st that I did in Flash a couple of years ago. The theme was fancy dress, he is Peter Pan and I am a viking.

Andthis is a spider monkey with a tiger head. A bit rough but....

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