Monday 2 April 2007

Virtual reality and the Internet

This week’s lecture was based around the realm of virtual reality and the Internet. In particular what the difference between the internet and cyberspace is. We also watched a video on how internet pages are spread around and how they get from cyberspace to the personal computer requesting them. The video was an interesting explanation of how the World Wide Web works. Half of the class was spent watching Alphaville which, in my opinion, is one of the worst movies I have witnessed. The tutes were interesting as their was no work set out to be done so I got acquainted with a program called Director that I used at TAFE a couple of years ago. It took a while but eventually I remembered how to write the simplest of scripts. Starting to look hard at the essay. Trying to think of a topic that everyone can relate to such as mobile phone usage or internet tendencies. Really have to start writing something soon.

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