Friday 1 June 2007

Final Post

The final post for the New Communication Technologies course. SIGH. I found the course to be relatively interesting all be it a little strange at times. The lecture content was useful in looking at different types of new technologies changing the world and the new areas of study emerging with the growth of the communication industry. the only problem i had with the lecture content was it sometimes felt to be completely irrelevant to anything. Confusion was at an all time high when Aristotle and Plato's names were dropped. Most of the content was pretty good though. The tutorial content was the best though. Using Photoshop was the best practical aspect of the course.

All in all a pretty good introductory course to the world of communication.


Monday 21 May 2007


Today we started using Microsoft Excel. Not a program I have really ever used before but have seen what it can do. Not the most exciting program either but can see how businesses could use it to solve mathematical equations and stuff with big numbers. It is a good organisational and layout tool which could give businesses a pretty clear indication of all the figures that run through the business. The tasks set up were not too hard except for the last exercise with the macros. Those little buggers proved hard to do. The instructions were pretty poor and definitely did not help. All in all it was not too bad,

Monday 14 May 2007

lecture with Debra Beattie

This week we focused on the forms of media and styles of publication and how the different types can relate better to different people. The example given by Debra Beattie was in relation to Kids Help Line, a counselling service for children. She talked about the different colours and artistic work used to help the children feel more comfortable. the use of neutral colours and the incorporation of a live MSN style chhat room is used to be able to give the children direct and immeadiate access to a counsellor.

Wednesday 9 May 2007


Michael Suzor

New Communication Technologies


1,054 words

Is the Internet a suitable tool for teachers to utilize in educating their students?

The internet is perhaps the largest communication tool used today. Internet users make available billions if Internet pages containing copious amounts of information. Millions of e-mails are sent everyday in social, business, and political arenas. There is also a growing tendency of “nontraditional students” (Palloff & Pratt p3), such as working adults returning to school or distance education students to use such technology as a way of cohesion with full time work, education and family life. The ease and speed at which messages and information can be sent and received ensures the Internet is not some fad, it is a global force designed to make life easier and is here to stay. The internet can reach people otherwise isolated either geographically or socially. Although the internet has been approached with certain levels of apprehension, it is unwise and ill fated to ignore such a powerful communication tool. New technologies such as electronic whiteboards and discussion forums which are made available to students have the same effects and deliver the same message as a blackboard in a classroom. Its sheer power is shown through what the Internet allows students to do, how the internet aids the education process and limitless number of possibilities. It is evident through what the Internet allows, how the Internet helps with the education process and the possibilities that lie within this new communication tool.

The internet allows students in remote areas the same access as those in cities near and around tertiary educational institutions. Using the internet from home can create an environment in which the user feels safe and comfortable and free from the troubles that can arise in schools. "Students direct their learning by pursuing their interests and taking responsibility for managing their own projects" (Serim & Koch p5). Through the use of the Net, students are also encouraged to join efforts with their fellow students and peers creating an online community solely for the purpose of the nature of the course. This forms a strong network of people that can be used at any time and a network that can span across the entire globe. The Internet is also responsible for assisting teachers in finding associates within the same interest groups, promoting international ideologies, and relations. “The Internet creates the potential for collaboration for further professional development” (Serim & Koch p6). The internet also acts as a promotional tool to enhance enrolments. In a business perspective, educational institutions have the potential to reach hundreds, even thousands of students with a single video and paperwork. This could lead to an increase in enrolments disproportional to the amount of extra work needed resulting in a higher profit margin for the school.

“E-mail, the service which initially lures most people to the Internet, represents the most widespread and accessible use communication technology” (Partee p81). The internet and e-mail allows students to access personalized course information from literally any computer in the world. Students can receive education while moving around the world with no pressure of being at one place at a particular time. “Colleagues long separated find themselves back in an on-going relationship as they discover one another’s e-mail address” (Partee p81). The different delivery methods of distance education can suit the different learning styles found in different people. Visual learners may better suit online video tutorials and discussion forums while others may better benefit from the audio lectures and tutorials.

“An auditory learner may feel more comfortable listening to a brief audio clip explaining a concept rather than reading about it. A visual learner tends to do well in an environment that presents mainly text or uses video clips” (Palloff & Pratt p7).

Some courses have implemented Net based learning methods not because the course is about the technology, rather the course material is better suited for online delivery. A good example of such a course is one based on resources given to the student external to the educational institution. According to Weller, “students derive their own learning experience from these resources within the overall framework of the course” (Weller p55). One aspect the Net learning method draws from the traditional face to face method of teaching is that of the importance of collaborative work. The importance of group learning is seen to promote deeper learning and critical thinking (Weller p55 (Johnson and Johnson, 1986; Gockhale, 1995)). Until recently, such communication was difficult, however, with the emergence of new technology distance education has become a reliable pedagogical education method.
The possibilities for online education are limitless. According to Ingvarson;

“Eighteen months ago hardly anyone would have thought the Internet would be so popular and widespread……… the cost of accessing the Internet will be built into the total budget of a school” (Ingvarson p118).

The world of communication technologies is a fast paced environment with new products flooding the market every day. The processing power of computers today would have been inconceivable ten years ago. It is not unbelievable to imagine faster, smaller and more powerful computers. “Computers that fold out to be large bright screens which are voice operated, touch sensitive and invisibly networked to the world are already being designed” (Weller p120). The power and speed at which technology is being produced demonstrates the possibilities of size, power and convenience of personal computers is infinite. With greater power comes ease and speed. Learning material will be even faster and more available than ever. Teachers and students will be able to share large files of video, audio and text within seconds. The implementation of fibre optic cables is proof advancements in technology and further research will only increase speeds at which data is transmitted.

The internet is here to stay. While some schools may be under resourced and some may wish not to adopt this form of teaching, the Internet is an important communication tool with its power only limited by the imagination. While this is a new relatively new technology. The idea that the Internet isn’t a place for education is outdated and could result in school and/or universities lagging behind creating a social gap in technological capabilities. It is clear the Internet is a valuable tool in distance education through what the Internet allows, how the Internet helps with the educati0on process and the possibilities for a wider available and a more powerful method of delivering the information.


Ingvarson, D. (1997) A Teachers guide to the Internet: The Australian Experience: Rigby Heinemann

Palloff, R and Pratt, K (2001) Lessons from the Cyberspace Classroom: The Realities of Online Teaching: 1st edition, Jossey-Base

Partee, M. (2002), Cyberteaching: 1st edition, University Press of America.

Serim, F and Koch, M (1996) Netlearning: Why teachers use the Internet: 1st edition Songline Studios Inc.

Weller, M. (2002), Delivering Learning on the Net: the why, what and how of online education: 1st edition Stylus Publishing Inc.

Monday 30 April 2007

Internet Art

This lecture was based around art on the Internet and what can be created. The lecture was taken by Jason Nelson. He was crazy. Really good talker and obviously passionate about what he does. His lecture style was …………unique but very good. While art is not my favourite subject, it was interesting to see what people will actually look at and comment on.

Good news on the essay front, I think I have finished. I have fulfilled the word quota, i have referenced 5 books and 5 web resources and am pretty happy with the argument i have put forward. I ended up with the topic of distance education throught the Internet.

This is a tracing of me and my friend Dean from my 21st that I did in Flash a couple of years ago. The theme was fancy dress, he is Peter Pan and I am a viking.

Andthis is a spider monkey with a tiger head. A bit rough but....

Monday 23 April 2007

Essay preparation.

OK OK so I have been extremely slack with getting into my essay so this week has been specially set aside to get it done. I have been through a few different topics such as blackberry, wireless and blogging. It was not until I looked at distance education through the internet that I came across the topic of choice. I have decided to do my essay on the internet as a form of information for different social and economic groups. There is plenty of info out there so finding it won’t be too difficult.

This is another attempt at the tutorial task from last week.

I think one of the most interesting and humerous websites on the Net would have to be it is awebsite dedicated to using Photoshop. It has competitions and tutorials in it. a good way to view the power of Photoshop.

Monday 16 April 2007


Coming back from holidays is always a bummer, especially when the holidays were so good. The Thursday before the holidays was my birthday so getting gifts before the holidays gad even started was good. Thursday night was long as me and my girlfriend flew to Sydney to see all my family and most of our school friends. Friday morning, Good Friday, my two brothers and their partners and my sister with her husband and my 4 year old nephew went to Lithgow, about three hours north of Sydney. Right in the middle of the Blue Mountains. We go there all the time to ride dirt bikes because there are some really good tracks and no one else around. The Saturday night was spent catching up with old friends and Sunday was the return trip back to the Gold Coast. The next day me and my girlfriend went to Tangalooma for three days which was awesome. Unfortunately then the holidays were over as I had to go back to work.

God I wish the holidays were longer.

This is the excercise Adam left for us to try out. Trying to blend animals. In this case a pig with a tiger.

And again with a zebra and a ferret

Monday 2 April 2007

Virtual reality and the Internet

This week’s lecture was based around the realm of virtual reality and the Internet. In particular what the difference between the internet and cyberspace is. We also watched a video on how internet pages are spread around and how they get from cyberspace to the personal computer requesting them. The video was an interesting explanation of how the World Wide Web works. Half of the class was spent watching Alphaville which, in my opinion, is one of the worst movies I have witnessed. The tutes were interesting as their was no work set out to be done so I got acquainted with a program called Director that I used at TAFE a couple of years ago. It took a while but eventually I remembered how to write the simplest of scripts. Starting to look hard at the essay. Trying to think of a topic that everyone can relate to such as mobile phone usage or internet tendencies. Really have to start writing something soon.

Monday 26 March 2007


Photoshop is a program I have had learned from a year at TAFE in Sydney a couple of years ago so I have had a bit of experience in using it. These two are examples of what I learnt how to do.
the gray and white photo turned into colour is my favourite thing to do but i still need a fair bit of practice. i did this to a photo of my grandparents who died before colur photos were available and gave it to my mum for her birthday one year.

Monday 19 March 2007

scavenger Hunt

First ill give thhe answers to the worlds oldest riddles:

1. The largest pumpkin is 990 pounds.

2. The quickest way toi contact Grant Hackett is by e-mail.

3. A giraffes tongue is between 18 - 20 inches.

4. Ontology is a theory relating to the natuure of all living beings.

5. David Cronenberg's first feature film was a short film entitled Transfer in 1966

6. The Hacker Manifesto was written January 8th 1986.

7. Only 555-0100 through 555-0199 are now specifically reserved for fictional use, with the other numbers having been released for actual assignment.

8. On a ferry.

9. Watch gonna do about it by Rev Black and the Rockin Vicars.

10. The Black Assassins

A search engine is like a directory that finds web pages with a common word typed in by the user. Once the word is typed in, the search engine looks over every single web page for that common word. The sites that are ranked according to how much is payed by the producer of the page. Who ever can afford the most gets a higher ranking. The amount off times that keyword is used displays the results differently. Google is the biggest search engine and has just bought YouTube for $2 billion and is now being sued by Viacom for supposedly breaching copyright laws.

I am planning to do my essay relating to the Internet and how it has effected the schooling and education industry. I have found, through the library database, a few books that will give me grounds for comparison over a gap of a few years and a general overview of what is available to students and teachers.

In regards to the mailing lists, I have found that the best mailing liosts are those that are run through the big and well known companies such as television stations and large media outlets. large companies such as Yahoo7 have many different groups that can be accessed through simple navigation by clicking on the topic area that usits the user.

Monday 12 March 2007

My Relation with New Comunication Technologies

Communication technologies such as the Internet have become an everyday part of life as a uni student. The internet has helped me enrol in university from Sydney simply by clicking a few buttons on a key board so technically I have used the internet to communicate with people I have never met.

Being from Sydney and moving to the Gold Coast to study at Griffith, I left all of my family and friends behind to start a new life here with my girlfriend. With my whole network of friends’ hours away, I was forces to utilise communication technologies in order to keep in contact with them.

Apart from the obvious telephone, I found chat rooms such as MSN Messenger and online poker rooms are a great way to maintain connections. Being able to chat directly to someone without paying for a phone call is a great relief for the typical uni student budget. Technologies such as these make maintaining friendships a lot easier and cheaper.

A few of my friends have recently returned from a 12 month stint overseas. E-mails made constant communication and updates quick and easy.

The biggest influence to use such technologies was distance between the people I was speaking to. I think using these technologies to interact with people you have never met is different to meeting people in person. Without face to face interaction, a personal connection is missed and a face cannot be put to a name. I have been using the technologies for many years and will keep on using them as long as they are available.

Still not sure what this thing is?

Monday 5 March 2007


Welcome all, to the first and definitely not last post of my small part of cyber space. For the next few months, I will be posting the very best parts of the lectures for New Communication Technologies. Along the way I will post pictures or videos of random crap that I find on the internet that amused me.

First off let me start by saying why I am doing this course. The reason I am here is because I am currently undertaking a bachelor of Communication with a major in digital video. Therefore taking a course called new communication technologies seemed a no brainer. Apart from that I took a class called communication practice last semester which proved useful in gaining new communication skills. The hall that the lecture was hosted in brought back memories of the first university grade exam I ever took. I passed the exam so hopefully that will be a good omen. The first lecture was pretty basic. We mainly got told what we will be doing in the course and then ran through a basic definition of what exactly technology is and what constitutes ‘new’ and ‘old’. My general belief is that ‘old’ technology is that which has a newer version and ‘new’ technology is that which is the new or latest version.

The other surprise I got from the lecture was that we will be using Photoshop within the course. I was pleased to hear this because I have had some experience with using Photoshop before

This photo just made me wonder where he ended up.